Sleeping Princess (FairyTale)
Jumat, 24 Desember 2010
Anciently,life king and queen has given birth to a princess.they invited seven fairy to celebrate the birth of the princess.and the first fairy said "this princess will be the world's most beautiful". And the second fairy said "this princess will be princess of a jovial". The third fairy said "this princess will be can receive a lot of affection ".And the fourth fairy said "this princess will be can dance so beautiful".And the fiveth fairy said "This princess will be can singing with a melodious". and the sixth fairy said "this princess will be can play sweet music".
suddenly, come the old fairy and so angry,every body think the old fairy is dead or away from kingdom until the king and queen don't invite the old fairy but the old fairy so angry because king and queen don't invite the old fairy.And the old fairy condemns the princess "your finger will needle spun and will die". and the old fairy dissapear,the queen star cryed.But the seventh fairy gave the blessing "I can't cancel the condemns,but I can gave the blassing so princess not deadbut just fast asleeped a hundred year and the handsome prince wake up princess". King and queen feel a little relieved.And they make new regulations that in the kingdom that there should not be spun any tool. They confiscated and destroyed all the tool spindle in the kingdom for the salvation of the Princess.and for eighteen years has elapsed,once upon a time king and queen go all day. The princess so lonely and the princess walking around the castile,until to get a loft and meet the old leadis, she have spinning wheel the princess interested in trying.
Actualy the old leadis is the bad old fairy,she want make curse come true.When princess try she accidentally jabbed the needle spun to the princess,the princess go down and unconscious.Suddenly the seventh fairy come to help the princess she make every one sleep so they can wake up same. one hundred year pass,the prince is hunt and found the castil and meet the princess.the prince fall in love to the princess and the prince kiss the princess,the princess wake up together with every one in the castile,and the prince and princess get maried.And they happy forever....... THE END
MT MERAPI Jogjakarta
Minggu, 07 November 2010
This mountain is one of the most active and dangerous volcano in the world. It can be seen from its name – Merapi from Javanese world Meru means mountain and Api means fire. The latest eruption
in Saturday, July 11, 1998, the volcano erupted again after days of ominous rumblings and minor tremors. At once, following the explosion, a black smoke rose up to more than 3000 m above its peak, spewing heat clouds and volcanic ash and debris several kilometers away. The ash hit the area as far as 60 Km away on the West of the mountain. Many surrounding towns were blanketed with white ash. The most dangerous killers are the heat clouds. This 3000 0 Celsius heat substance should melt and burnt easily anything found on its way. "Luckily, this cloud blew to an uninhabited area west of the mountain. In 1994 sudden eruption, 66 people of the South-West slope have been killed by this heat cloud.
The local people call this heat cloud in Javanese Wedus Gembel (Wedus – a sheep; gembel – thick curly hair), as it looked like. Usually the local inhabitants should flee from their villages only after seeing the emergence of the "curly sheep", as considered the real menace of the "Merapi Rulers". In 1997, thousand of Merapi villagers have been evacuated when it began spewing ash and lava.
The worst eruption was in 1930 which killed about 1300 people. People did not know exactly how many thousand or even million times, Merapi has been erupted since its birth. In the 10th century, its ashes had buried totally a temple 15 km southward. Probably its unbearable activity had pushed eastward the Hindu Mataram kingdom from Prambanan, central Java to East Java in the 10th century.
But Merapi does not act always as "a bad guy", most of the time "it is a good guy", handsomely gives tremendous fertility to the land, stands strongly guarding the nature Read more...
Oplet Road Again in Jakarta
Sabtu, 06 November 2010
Every day while still in school. Whit the 100 rupiah you can go to everywhere, - for students. It happened around 1985's, Oplet is that all the cars behind her body frame made of wood, with 60s characteristic vehicles, both the bonnet and spakbor his tires. 2 row passenger bench with a position facing each other, making they always moving and shifting left-right as the car forward and stopped.
OPLET using Morris in 1935 before production was used as a means of public transportation in Jakarta which operated until about year 1965
Oplet Road Again in Jakarta
Jakarta many years ago
At that time atmosphere in jakarta very different than now.Jatinegara first very quiet,different than now Jatinegara very busy,and atmosphere very bustle.When nederland colonial jakarta is commerce city than most frequently visited by trader. Sunda kelapa harbour one of silent witness in memorium. commencement of Indonesian occupation begins trading in Sunda kelapa harbour. Betawi is original population of jakarta,the name of pitung is one of heroes of betawi tribe that against of nederland colonial.
Jakarta Traffic Jams and Worse Floods

in every day jakarta coloured by traffic jams, more people had the vehicles increasing traffic jams contribution.Lack of discipline of road users
contribute to congestion of the capital city.The number of private vehicles in the city grows by 12 percent per year while the lenght of road grows by less than 1 percent.
In rainy season jakarta increased traffic jams by worse of floods. Many people dispose of waste carelessly donate floods problem.need awarenessand good cooperation of all parties to be jakarta more better and comfortable.